
Work? What is it good for?

Location: United Kingdom

Things are gonna change. I can feel it.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Am I bored yet?


Though it's kind of cheating, as I'm just back from two weeks holiday. It was rather nice to return home and not have to think about returning to work. My girlfriend is of course very envious!

Though I did have plenty of small chores; grass to cut, a new internet service to arrange, and leaving drinks to arrange/attend. Which means popping back into the office one last time as an employee - as I have to return my work modem. Which means that this is the last post while still officially employed - the next post I will truly be a free man!

Right, off to get changed and head into the city!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Taking the summer off

A pleasent weekend slightly spoilt by the thought of going to work on Monday. Still, not long until that won't be a concern anymore! The question arises, what is special about the weekend if you're not working? The obvious answer is not a lot, but it does mean your friends and family aren't working, so the weekend will still remain the best time to go visit. Otherwise, it is the worst time to go to the cinema, museums, shopping etc, so I wonder if I'll begin to look forward to the week and dread the weekends?

Such idle musings will undoubtably occur more often, when I am truly idle...

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Fuzzy Logic

Well, my resignation is now common knowledge within the company. Not a lot of response to it so far, but the common question is "Why?" (Followed or proceeded in short order by "Where are you going?")

The "why" is tricky, not least because I'm contractually obliged not to say anything specific, so I've resorted - where I have the time and patience, to suggesting "Fuzzy logic".

The idea is that there is no specific single reason I could give anyway. There are many reasons to stay, and many reasons to go. Over time, the strength of these reasons change, and now they are in the "leave" state. If I had to explain those reasons, things will get complicated, but I'm sure I can come up with a few to satisfy the conversationally curious.

Which is fine, except that because they have been in the fuzzy leave state for a while, I have got myself into a absolutely definitely must leave state. Well it makes the decision to leave less traumatic, and may have some other positive side effects, so I'm certainly not complaining.

As for attempts to salvage some personal records from the leaving, I've not been very successful and time is running out. Too much like hard work. So I may have to be drastic. But that's probably for the best! What I'll do with these old emails, who knows, but I have always liked the idea of an "accidental diary".

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Well that's that. I handed in my notice today, and I've got two weeks on the treadmill left. The rest of the month's notice period is already booked as holiday, so my last working day will be the 13th. Always was my lucky number...

So I'd better start thinking about what I'm going to be doing when I'm not going to be doing anything! I've just purchased a second hand games console on Ebay, so that might come rather handy. Probably too late to get into the latest series of big brother, alas, alak. (Not)

My feelings are kind of mixed. Writing the resignation note, I kind of had to give a reason. And I was prepared to be humble over it, as I can't say my last role in the company has gone smoothly. So I'm glad to be moving on, but I'm not ecstatic about leaving things in the state they are, and there is always that nagging, sensible voice telling me I must be crazy. (Or is that Gnarls Barkley?)

But everything I've done and seen and thought about recently has confirmed that time is ripe for a break. What I can't know is how that will turn out, and how long it will last.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Stormy weather...

Very unsettled.

Seems appropriate - big day tomorrow. Work hasn't quite cut to the chase yet, so I made it through the week, but I need to settle my situation before month end, and tomorrow makes perfect sense...

Though I'd hardly say I'm ready, but still.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Belay that Delay?

Seems the luxury of picking my own time may be fading. Possibly/probably/definitely my own fault, I've let the ball drop a little, and they may want to introduce some changes to remedy that, that I'm unlikely to want to buy in to. I don't feel good about this - I don't like to think I've done a bad job, but it's probably a sign of me taking too long to leave. Would have been better to go out on a high... but a bit late (by about a year) for that.

We'll see...

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Short delay...

I now expect to hand in my notice at the end of the month. 8 years is a long time. I didn't realise how long it would take to do an even cursory disentanglement! I wanted to grab a few old emails - save them for posterity. Most of this stuff is in an 800Mb archive, so it might take some time. Especially as I've only got as far as mid 2000 ...

Old emails are a kind of accidental diary. You can look back at them and learn far more than memory will allow. I'm not sure that is a good thing! It might be cleaner - and certainly simpler, to delete the archive and merely export my contacts, after all, I'd never know what I missed. Though I might use the same argument for my attempt to save some of it!

Anyway, an extra week won't make much difference, it's not as though I have any definite plans for my impending free time!

And it allow me to hunt for those expense receipts that I KNOW are hanging around here somewhere. Best to get that claim in BEFORE I resign!